I was researching about how many Mothers Day Greeting Cards and Father’s Day Greeting cards are being sent every year to estimate the upcoming work load on our Inwiter’s team. I came across a wonderful Info-graph which explains and compares both the occasions with eye catching visuals.

Infograph Credited by Daily-infographic.


Undoubtedly Mothers day is more popular than Father’s day. In fact if you see the numbers, there are 13 million more number of mothers than fathers. As per American Greeting Card Association, Mother’s Day uses 133 million greeting cards where as Father’s day uses 90 million. Around 40 countries celebrate Mothers day. Father’s day started little late as well getting inspired from Mother’s day celebrations.

I believe it is better to keep it simple and Celebrate both. Create a memorable Video Greeting using Inwiter for Mother’s day and Father’s Day. Collect your Moms and Dads memorable images, videos and create a personalized video greeting. Add flavor by adding funny captions, message on each image or video. We added number of music tracks this week. Add soothing background music and send it to your Mom and Dad.